New rtx1 retinal camera installed in Baltimore, USA

The University of Maryland Baltimore, USA, is now equipped with an rtx1 Adaptive Optics Retinal Camera. In the photo, Loic Le Kernevez stands with Professor Osamah Saeedi, Director of Clinical Research and of the Glaucoma division, whose research is focused on finding novel imaging biomarkers for early detection of glaucoma, in order to start regular treatments early-on and better prevent vision loss from the disease.

We are proud that our product is now involved in this work with the perspective of significant improvements in visual health.

After the on-site training, Prof. Saeedi and his clinical research team were enthusiast by the first images of small retinal vessels obtained with the rtx1, and they praised the ease of use of the device, as it enabled patient examination over short times.

To learn more about the rtx1-e Adaptive Optics Retinal Camera, click here.