Replay available – AO retinal imaging expanded & streamlined

On July 8, 2024, we had the pleasure to discuss with three experts, who use the rtx1 camera for AO retinal imaging in different fields of clinical research.

Michel Paques, MD PhD, is professor of ophthalmology at the Quinze-Vingt National Eye Hospital in Paris. He is a leading expert in the field of adaptive optics retinal imaging, a technology that he has developed and applied to a wide range of diseases.

Carolina De Ciuceis, MD PhD, is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Brescia in Italy. She has made extensive use of adaptive optics retinal imaging in her research, with the goal of improving the prediction and monitoring of cardiovascular risk.

Danilo Andrade de Jesus, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Erasmus Medical Center, and PI of a joint project with the Rotterdam Eye Hospital. He specializes in image processing and artificial intelligence applied to ophthalmology, including the development of AO imaging biomarkers for inherited retinal diseases wiht the AO-Vision collaborative project.

During the webinar, they kindly shared their insights on 3 newly available capabilities of the rtx1 AO retinal camera:

  • Fast protocol workflows for prospective clinical studies
  • Examinations of the retinal pigment epithelium at the cellular level
  • Assessment of the retinal neurovascular response to flicker stimulation

We thank our 3 guests for explaining how these features expand and streamline the use of AO retinal imaging in clinical studies. They even shared how they intend to implement them practically in their research projects.


The replay is available (35min video). To get access, send us a request via this form: