rtx1 users e-symposium 2024

This edition of the rtx1 users e-symposium will be chaired by 3 opthalmologists: Kiyoko Gocho, Chiara Eandi, and Thomas Theelen.

On October 8th, at 4pm CEST

Join us online for a 2h meeting to learn about clinical research conducted with the rtx1 adaptive optics (AO) retinal camera.

The program will include:

  • Clinical studies and case reports presented by rtx1 users, who will share images and findings in various pathologies,
  • A panel discussion on best practices for rtx1 studies, by experts with years of experience with AO retinal imaging,
  • Update on product features by Imagine Eyes
  • Interactive Q&A sessions

Virtual symposium chaired by



Confirmed panelists and speakers:

  • Michel Paques – Professor of Ophthalmology – Quinze-Vingts National Eye Hospital, Paris
  • Ethan Rossi – Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
  • Danilo Andrade de Jesus
  • Luisa Sanchez Brea
  • Rui Bernardes – Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine – University of Coimbra
  • Céline Chaumette – Certified Orthoptist – Clinical investigation center, Quinze-Vingts National Eye Hospital, Paris
  • Midori Yamamoto – Certified Orthoptist – Kobe City Eye Hospital
  • Eva de Oliveira Figueiredo – Clinical research associate – Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne
  • Jeroen Pas – PhD candidate Ophthalmology – Radboud UMC, Nijmegen

Details of the program will be added soon.